- Dr Anastasia Dalziell (Lab Leader) - Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (Western Sydney University) & Lab Associate (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University)
- Professor Justin Welbergen (co-founder) - Head of the Lab of Animal Ecology & Professor of Animal Ecology at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (Western Sydney University)
- Dr Vanessa Ferdinand - Senior Research Fellow in Computational Cognitive Science, University of Melbourne
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Dr Fiona Backhouse - Western Sydney University. Topic: Cultural evolution in lyrebirds
- Matthew Chaumont - PhD Candidate (Western Sydney University; supervisors: Prof Justin Welbergen, Dr Anastasia Dalziell, Prof Robert Magrath). Topic: Cultural evolution and the multi-modal display of the superb lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae)
- Emily Bradstock - PhD Candidate (Western Sydney University; supervisors: Dr Anastasia Dalziell; Prof Justin Welbergen; Dr Kim Maute). Topic: Conservation translocation and song cultures in the Eastern Bristlebird, Dasyornis brachypterus
- Kris French - Professor and Director of the Janet Cosh Herbarium, School of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong.
- Rob Magrath - Professor of Behavioural Ecology, Research School of Biology, Australian National University.
- Naomi Langmore - Professor of Avian Ecology, Research School of Biology, Australian National University.
- Kim Maute - Principal Ecologist, Ecosystems and Threatened Species Biodiversity and Conservation, NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
- Karan Odom - Assistant Professor, University of the Pacific, and leader of the Female Bird Song Project.
- Victoria Austin - Postdoctoral Fellow, Charles Sturt University
- Alex Maisey - Postdoctoral Fellow, La Trobe University, and Chair of the Sherbrooke Lyrebird Survey Group.
- Irby Lovette - Fuller Professor of Ornithology, Cornell University.
- Aaron Rice - Science Director, Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell University.
- Mike Webster - Professor and Robert G. Engel Professor of Ornithology, Cornell University.
- Alan Stuart - Leader of the Rufous scrub-bird project, Hunter Bird Observers Club.
- Victoria Austin - PhD Candidate (Western Sydney University; supervisors: Prof Justin Welbergen, Dr Anastasia Dalziell, Prof Naomi Langmore). Topic: Investigating the structure and function of mimetic song in female superb lyrebirds (Menura novaehollandiae)
- Fiona Backhouse - PhD Candidate (Western Sydney University; supervisors: Prof Justin Welbergen, Dr Anastasia Dalziell, Prof Robert Magrath). Topic: Explaining geographic variation in the multimodal display of the Albert’s lyrebird (Menura alberti)
- Kirsten Keleher - Research Assistant (Cornell University)
- Santi Tabares Erices - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Eryn Woernley - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Andre Golumbeski - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Clara Thomas - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Karan Odom - Postdoctoral Associate (Cornell University)
- Bryce Robinson - Research Assistant (Cornell University)
- Alex Maisey - Research Assistant (University of Wollongong)
- Tane Sinclair-Taylor - Research Assistant (Western Sydney University)
- Ben Stepkovich - Research Assistant (University of Wollongong)
- Eric Hughes - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Chloe Mikles - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Kelsie Lopez - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Kevin Macias - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Hannah Mirando - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Tristan Herwood - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Rani Carol - Summer Scholarship (Western Sydney University)
- Benoît Sommervogel - Research Assistant (Western Sydney University)
- Samantha Yabsley - Research Assistant (Western Sydney University)
- Odile Maurelli - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Max Kirsch - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Alex Wiebe - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Max Witynski - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Taylor Heaton Crisologo - Research Intern/Undergraduate Research Student (Western Sydney University/ Cornell University)
- Sarah Dzielski - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- James Purcell - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)
- Daniel Veronese - Undergraduate Research Student (Cornell University)